Coronavirus Statement – zsah’s Evolving Response to COVID-19

FROM: Amir Hashmi, CEO zsah Ltd.
As valued customers, we want to make sure you understand that we are focused on taking all precautionary measures regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
We understand that health and wellbeing are at the forefront of everyone's mind right now, and I’d like to personally assure you that it is also at the forefront of ours. The safety and wellbeing of our staff, customers, partners and the community at large is paramount.
We are monitoring the Coronavirus situation closely through official Government channels (like and have already taken steps in accordance with, and very often exceeding these official health guidelines.
Furthermore, we are checking this official guidance at the most senior level in the organisation on a daily basis to ensure we are implementing appropriate and proportionate measures while ensuring minimal impact on our ability to deliver.
Effective immediately, we have implemented the following measures:
1. Restricting visitors from coming into the zsah office - this includes, partners, customers and any non-essential personnel not involved in the running of the business.
2. Restriction on external face-to-face meetings with customers or partners - telephone, conference or video calls will be utilised instead.
As you might imagine, being a cloud technology company, our staff are able to work from home, indeed anywhere in the world with an Internet connection, so should the need arise, be assured that we can continue to deliver your services with minimal disruption (and within pre-existing SLAs) even if our staff cannot work directly from the office due to a lockdown type situation arising.
Furthermore, in the event that some of our critical staff become infected with COVID-19 and are unable to work for a period of time, we have devised a rota based on skills and systems knowledge to backfill potentially sick staff member(s) with equally qualified alternative resources.
Rest assured, as the situation changes we will be ready to implement and if necessary exceed Government guidance on Coronavirus.
Our customers and the quality of service we deliver are of the utmost importance to us.
Therefore, may I also take this opportunity to offer you, our valued customers, any technical assistance you may require to facilitate your own staff to work remotely in these difficult times. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your account manager to initiate these discussions, or through our contact form.
We hope the current situation resolves itself rapidly in due course through effective Government measures, but want to assure you that whatever the outcome, we are working on and are as prepared as any organisation should the worse happen and the situation escalate and continue long-term.
Amir Hashmi
CEO zsah Ltd.