Read about our client cloud case studies and learn how we help them achieve their business goals


With a strong service-led ethos founded on trust, an ethical approach, and a truly partnership-led model, zsah enjoys exceptionally high loyalty and retention rates from its customers.

Click to view a few of our many success stories.

planning inspectorate zsah


As part of a review of the way in which their IT requirements were delivered, The Planning Inspectorate decided to outsource the development environment platform for all systems and applications development and testing to an external provider through a “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) model. Following a competitive tender process through the Government’s G-Cloud procurement platform, zsah was selected as the supplier for the service, based on an evaluation taking into account the quality of the proposal and solution, and the price for the service.

msd zsah


MSD needed to engage external consultants to advise them across different aspects of the business, including: organisation structure, programme advice, roadmap for the development of the next iteration of NHS solutions, review of staffing approach and skillsets for future development and migration of infrastructure to a new technology base, including use of cloud technology.

kaleidovision zsah


Kaleidovision Ltd required the colocation and management of their media servers for a global retail establishment and to decide the best strategy and hardware to put in place to make this possible. This service needed to be highly available for the client as they needed to supply their customer with strict SLAs, to match their needs for a front office media streaming solution.

Sport England zsah


Many products on the market or business solutions run word wide or have hosting in the US, which does not reach Sport England’s policy regarding data protection. Therefore, Sport England were looking for a government-approved technical supplier to allow them to create and share content over email with several requirements, including a large data transfer from their existing supplier, with all data sets completely migrated to the exact sets.

Connect logo - zsah


One Connect customer, a leading global player in the PetroChem vertical, required a global “Follow-the-sun” contact centre solution based across the EMEA, APAC and Americas regions. From day-1, this solution would need to run the existing contact centre infrastructure, supporting 1,000+ agents. In addition to the core contact centre and its associated applications, the solution also needed to store voice recordings for training and regulatory compliance purposes. The client also stipulated that the solution needed to be run in the cloud, to support the projected growth requirements of the business, to be flexible and secure, and to align with their ‘Cloud First’ strategy.

clearswift - zsah


After migrating from on-premise to a public cloud deployment, Clearswift experienced an unexpected increase in operational costs associated with the update service, with annual cost increasing by up to 200%. Clearswift, therefore, looked at options for a cloud-based partner who could deliver the service required with a planned and consistent cost.
Overall, moving from public cloud to zsah’s private cloud for this specific service helped Clearswift achieve its objective of greatly reducing annual cost and achieving predictable and stable costs.

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Business partner - zsah


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